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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Orange vs tangerine: Which one would you choose?

Nutritionists are giving orange and tangerine thumbs-up because of their vibrant and nutritional benefits, noting that these are two of the most popular choices in terms of their  health benefits.

Speaking of their varieties and appearances, nutritionists note that oranges and tangerines each boast their unique traits.

Oranges, they note, come in various types like Valencia, Navel and Blood oranges; while tangerines offer Clementine, Satsuma and Honey Tangerine varieties.

The choice depends on your preferences, as they differ in taste, size and appearance.

Oranges are round or oval with a bright to deep orange skin, while tangerines are smaller, flatter, and have a brighter orange skin.

On taste and nutritional content, both fruits have a sweet taste but tangerines are often less tangy. Oranges are mostly famous for their high vitamin C content, providing over 100% of a person’s daily need vital for immune system overall health.

They also offer dietary fiber, potassium for heart health and vitamin A. And tangerines are similarly rich in vitamin C, offering digestive fiber, and are notable easy to peel.

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On their health benefits, nutritionists say both fruits enhance your immune benefit with the vitamin C content. They are packed with antioxidants like flavonoids and carotenoids to protect human cells. Oranges may even edge out tangerines in potassium, while tangerines excel in folate. They noted that dietary fiber in both supports digestion and helps prevent constipation.

As for their culinary use and availability, oranges find their way into countless recipes from fresh consumption to juices and savoury dishes. They are available year-round. Tangerines, preferred for their easy-to-peel skin and sweet taste, are a popular winter fruit. They are also perfect for on-the-go snacking and can enhance various dishes.

In caloric content and conclusion, both oranges and tangerines are low in calories, making them smart choices for those watching their weight. Ultimately, the choice between oranges and tangerines come down to taste, appearance, and minor nutritional variations.

A well-rounded diet can include both fruits, ensuring you get all the essential nutrients you need for a healthy lifestyle.

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Joke Kujenya
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