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12 types of women who make very bad partners

When trying to find a romantic partner, someone you can spend your life with, it’s important to be very careful about who you choose to end up with. After all, you don’t truly know someone until time has passed.

You may think you’ve found a woman who has it all: she’s intelligent, well-rounded, beautiful, and complements your personality. But her true personality is not what it seems.

There are plenty of amazing women out there, but there are also certain types of women make very bad partners. And there are are specific ways to weed them out.

Here are 12 types of women who make very bad partners:

Women who play the victim
When men are looking for a partner, they should aim to be with a woman who’s realistic. But if a woman constantly plays the victim, she may be manipulative and is likely a bad partner.

According to psychotherapist Erin Leonard Ph.D., manipulative people love to play the victim to get what they want. Manipulative people do this through attention-seeking and inflicting guilt, which is wrong for a plethora of reasons and creates a very unhealthy relationship.

Women who refuse to compromise
According to Dr. John Gottman, most couples fight. But how they fight makes a world of difference.

The Gottman Institute explains that things like compromise are crucial to managing conflict in a relationship, making this an essential part of a healthy relationship. Even if their partner doesn’t agree with their solution, at the very least, men can get some of their emotional needs met.

But being with a woman who cannot or refuses to compromise isn’t healthy. No matter how hard men plead or try, it will never work out with her if isn’t willing to meet him halfway.

Women who can’t communicate
Communication is key to any successful relationship, and research agrees. As one study found, things like communication are the backbone of any romantic partnership.

However, what if a woman can’t communicate properly? How will this impact the relationship? Besides affecting a man’s relationship satisfaction and stress levels, poor communication can lead to health problems like inflammation and slowed down wound healing.

Women who are emotionally manipulative
Gaslighting and emotional manipulation are things everyone should avoid in a relationship.

Gaslighting negatively impacts a person’s mental health, leading to a diminished sense of self, defensiveness, and a general mistrust of others. This type of abuse can change people, making it harder for men, in particular, to enter into a healthy relationship.

Board-certified psychiatrist Linda S. Austin M.D. Linda S. Austin warns that losing your sense of self, feeling isolated, protecting yourself from the gaslighter, questioning your judgment, and feeling powerless are all signs that a woman is gaslighting a man, and that he should leave while he still can.

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Women who need to be the center of attention
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be in the spotlight from time to time. However, constantly feeling the need to be the center of attention is a red flag for men seeking healthy relationships.

An important component of narcissism is the need to be the center of attention. Narcissists will do anything in their power to draw attention back to themselves, even if it means engaging in compensatory actions.

Though it might not seem like a big deal, narcissistic women could throw a potential mate under the bus if it means getting what they want.

Women who are jealous and possessive
It’s human nature to be jealous at times, but women who are constantly jealous tend to make very bad partners.

Research has found that people are jealous for a couple of different reasons, some of which include neuroticism, anger or impulsivity issues, low agreeableness, and low openness to experiences.

For men, it’s important to recognize this red flag before diving into a serious relationship. It’s not only for their own mental health, but the simple fact that women like this don’t trust others enough to remain faithful.

Women who speak badly about others
There’s nothing wrong with a little gossip, but just like anything in life, too much can be a bad thing.

Research has shown that most people gossip as a way to gather information, not necessarily to harm others. Yet, the same research also determined that people with dark personalities were more likely to use gossip to their advantage, adjusting their image and the images of those they’re spreading lies about for their own benefit.

Men need to think twice before beginning a relationship with a woman who loves to gossip. While it may be harmless fun to her, it can also be a sign that she has a twisted personality. And if men aren’t careful enough, that personality can easily come back to bite them.

Women who can’t fully get over their ex
If a woman can’t stop talking about her ex, it’s not likely that she will make a good partner. Rather, it indicates that she’s still not over her ex and will spend the whole relationship unconsciously comparing her new partner to her old partner.

Breakups are hard, but moving on before entering a new relationship is essential. Otherwise, she will spend her time with her new partner chasing after something that doesn’t exist, possibly destroying an otherwise healthy relationship in the process.

Additionally, people less accepting of separation have worse psychological adjustment. And that can end poorly in a relationship.

Women who are financially irresponsible
Some people tend to overspend, but for men hoping to find a good partner, it’s best to avoid women who can’t control their finances.

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According to a survey, three out of five people put off marriage due to debt, while 54% believe that debt is a major reason to consider divorce. In the same study, researchers found that 33% of people miss out on spending time with their friends due to debt, 38% miss out on date nights, and 36% miss out on attending important events such as weddings.

Being in a relationship with a financially irresponsible woman will surely cause issues down the road, where she can’t be the partner a man deserves.

Women who refuse to get help for their unresolved trauma
People with unresolved trauma can heal with proper therapy, but sometimes, they don’t seek out the help they need. Addressing this trauma is crucial for women to build healthy and happy relationships.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness says that untreated mental illnesses lead to unemployment, incarceration, and a low quality of life. Studies have also shown that traumatic stress can cause aggression, which, unfortunately, is something non-professionals aren’t equipped to handle.

While people with mental illnesses can certainly lead normal lives with good relationships, a woman who won’t seek help for her trauma will not be a good partner.

Women who lack empathy
Empathy plays a huge role in expressing needs, desires, connections, and the sharing of experiences. But when women, in particular, lack empathy, it’s highly likely they won’t make good romantic partners. Men may feel misunderstood and brushed aside.

Studies have shown that feeling misunderstood leads to high stress and lower life satisfaction, all of which impact men’s health.

So, men should be wary of women who can’t seem to empathize with their struggles. If a woman dismisses a man’s experiences or marginalizes his problems, the relationship will not last.

Women who are overly controlling
Women who are overly controlling make for bad partners, and can turn relationships abusive. According to mental health expert Gregory L. Jantz Ph.D., emotional abuse leads to a lack of emotional security, fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, anger, and depression.

Professor of sociology Deborah J. Cohan Ph.D. adds that constant criticism, silent treatments, threatening to end the relationship, emotional stinginess, and withholding care are all signs of manipulation and controlling behavior.

Men want healthy relationships, just like the rest of us, but in order to find one, it’s best to avoid women who are overly controlling. Otherwise, the relationship can quickly become toxic.

Source: MSN

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