A tragic incident unfolded in Latina, Italy, where Patricia Masithela, a 27-year-old Nigerian woman, lost her life after she was attacked by a pack of starving dogs late Monday night.
According to Mirror UK, Patricia had recently moved to the Lazio region and was visiting a male acquaintance at his abandoned villa. Unaware that her friend was not home, she fell victim to the feral animals. Her desperate screams alerted neighbours, who contacted authorities.
Emergency responders arrived to find Patricia critically injured, lying in a pool of blood with deep bite wounds across her body. Police shot two of the dogs to secure the scene, causing the rest of the pack to flee.
Patricia was rushed to Santa Maria Goretti Hospital, where medics fought to save her life. Tragically, she succumbed to severe injuries and blood loss.
A devoted mother to a five-year-old daughter, Patricia’s death has left her family and friends in deep mourning.
Local authorities have launched an investigation into how the starving dogs came to roam the area.
The tragedy has reignited debates about stray animal control and public safety, with residents demanding stricter measures to prevent similar incidents.