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New York
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Money with King Charles’ face circulates in Britain

Bills bearing the image of King Charles III have begun circulating in the United Kingdom for the first time, nearly two years after he ascended the throne following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022.

The new polymer banknotes feature Charles’ engraved portrait on the front and come in denominations of £5, £10, £20, and £50. They will be used alongside existing notes depicting the late Queen Elizabeth II, who reigned for a record 70 years.

While coins showing King Charles’ effigy were introduced in late 2022, this marks the first introduction of banknotes with the new monarch’s likeness as more Britons transition to electronic payments over physical cash.

Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey hailed the rollout as “a historic moment,” emphasizing the institution’s commitment to providing cash for as long as public demand persists.

The updated banknote designs were approved by Charles in 2022 and are based on a 2013 photograph from the royal household. The new polymer notes will gradually replace the previous paper currency over time.

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As the United Kingdom adjusts to Charles III’s reign, his portrait now graces the nation’s paper currency alongside the existing coinage bearing his image.

Theresa Arike
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