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Man allegedly pours boiling rice on wife ‘because she refused intimacy’ (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES, LANGUAGE)

On Monday, July 3, 2023, husband of Mrs. Iyabo Afusat Sule allegedly poured a potful of boiling rice on her during a domestic disagreement. The man, Ayodele Temitope, said he was angered by his wife’s refusal to make love with him.

The couple has been married for eight years, and they have a son together. Iyabo was once married to another man with whom she had two grown children.

After the video of the ugly incident was posted online, Iya Magazine contacted the domestic violence survivor who narrates her experience as follows:

Mr. Ayodele Timitope came into my life after I separated from my ex-husband. At that time, I felt no man would want to marry me because I was a single mother-of-two. So, when he proposed to me, I accepted.

I fell to the ground. While I was trying to get back on my feet, he went for the boiling pot of rice and poured it on me

Ayodele Temitope

When I met him, I thought he was a reasonable human being, but I was wrong. He is lazy and not ready to work. All these years, I have catered for the family needs and paid house rent at the same time. I have done all kinds of jobs, from selling different items to working as a cleaner.

Currently, I sell food by the roadside, and I had to borrow money to start this business. I have sacrificed a lot, but instead of being grateful, he beats me up and abuses me at will. To add to that, he steals my money, and whenever I confront him, he gets mad at me.

On several occasions, I encouraged him to start something to earn money, but he rejected all my suggestions. He kept saying he was called to be a pastor or whatever. There was a time when our house rent expired, and we had to move to his mother’s house in Ikorodu. That is where we lived until that Monday morning, when he almost killed me.

Iyabo Sule

On that day, I greeted him after waking up, but he didn’t respond. So, I began to boil rice so my children would eat it before leaving for school. A few minutes later, I heard him shout at my first child, who is his stepson. He said the boy didn’t greet him. While I was trying to explain that I heard when the boy greeted him, he got angry and began to abuse me.

he beats me up at will. He steals my money, and whenever I confront him, he gets mad at me

As we were exchanging words, he punched me and started beating me. During the fight, I fell to the ground. While I was trying to get back on my feet, he went for the boiling pot of rice and poured it on me.

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As I cried out in pain, he continued to punch me in the face until the neighbours came and stopped him. Instead of showing remorse for his actions, he stepped outside and said he would have killed me. At that point, I was weak and brokenhearted.

As I cried out in pain, he continued to punch me

I went to the General Hospital in Ikorodu, from where I was referred to Gbagada. After considering the long distance, I wanted to stay at home and receive treatment from a nearby pharmacist. It was at that point that I contacted a soldier called OG Baba. He asked me to proceed to a private hospital, still in Ikorodu.

My husband was also arrested by soldiers, and they took him to 174 Battalion Nigerian Army Barracks in Ikorodu.

According to the soldiers’ report, Mr. Ayodele was apprehended at a local bar, where he had gone to drink alcohol after the incident. Initially, the report claim, he refused to follow the soldiers and showed no remorse. However, at the barracks, he started pleading and adduced reasons for his action.

ayodele said that his wife had been denying him lovemaking, and that it was the root of his bitterness towards her

He said that his wife had been denying him lovemaking, and that it was the root of his bitterness towards her. When Iya Magazine asked the victim about the allegation, she said, “I wake up every morning around 3 a.m. to cook the food I sell. I work very hard throughout the day, attending to customers. Due to the stress I go through, I often feel pain all over my body. Then, at the end of the day, a lazy and idle man expects me to sleep with him. When I don’t accept, he gets angry and beats me up. Isn’t that wicked?”

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Continuing, Iyabo said, “This man threatened to kill the son I bore for him. Due to his attitude, my first daughter moved out of the house. He fights everyone. Whenever his mother rebukes him for his wrongdoings, he unleashes his anger on her.

I wake up every morning around 3 a.m. to cook the food I sell. I work very hard throughout the day

“I have seen hell in this marriage, and last year, I started saving money to rent an  apartment. I wanted to take my kids and run away from him. Unfortunately, this tragic incident happened before I could leave. However, I thank God for saving my life.”

Mrs. Iyabo Sule pleaded for financial assistance for her accumulated medical expenses. Her account detail is:

  • A/c No: 7051528923
  • Account name: Iyabo Afusat Sule
  • Bank: Opay

She also pleaded that the appropriate authorities should take up her case so that the suspect can have his day in court.

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