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The story of Aisha Mohammed

“Every Dream is achievable”
Enjoy the remarkable story of a charming actress.
Straight from her heart and told in her own words!

People often say that one of the hardest things about life is death, and it’s true. The pain of losing a loved one is immense, but sometimes, while mourning, life can still give us a reason to be happy again.
My name is Aisha Mohammed, and I was born shortly after the death of my grandmother. My father loved his mother so much that he named me after her. For this, he calls me Mummy because he sees her in me.
I’m from an average-income family and I have four siblings. My dad specializes in building and construction, while my mom is a tailor. An open space in our compound serves as her workshop. I had a very strict upbringing. My parents, especially my dad ran his family with strict rules, which everyone had to obey. And so, my own obedience started right from infancy!
I didn’t get the opportunity to play around like other kids because my dad taught us to spend our time reading and learning. He employed a home tutor to teach us after school.
But let me confess that as a child, I was sometimes stubborn and disobedient. I still remember an incident that happened back then. On that day, after we returned from school, our lesson teacher came around, but I wasn’t interested in learning anything. I just wanted to go out and play. So, I told my siblings that my mom had asked me to bring something to her workshop that afternoon. However, when I left the house, I went to my friend’s place to play and watch cartoons. I spent so much time that I didn’t realize evening had come. I knew my dad would have returned from work. What if he asked them where I went to? What if they found out my little lie? I was so scared of what would happen to me.
While I was returning home, I decided to stop at my mother’s work space before rushing to the house. The moment I stepped in, lo-and-behold, my worst fear was confirmed; my dad had already returned, and he was seated in the living room with a stern look on his face.
“Mummy, where are you coming from?” He asked.
I started mumbling some words.
“Will you open your mouth and speak?” He screamed.
“I……. went………to…. I couldn’t find the words
“Really? So, are you lying to me?
At that point, I knew that I had been caught in a lie. I didn’t wait for him to say another word before I prostrated on the ground and started crying.
“Why are you shedding crocodile tears when I have not even flogged you?” He asked.
“Daddy, I’m so sorry. I just went to play … ”
My heart was beating so fast because I hated being flogged. Meanwhile, my siblings were in the corner watching the whole drama.
“The only reason I would pardon you is that I’m in a good mood today. However, if you ever leave your studies to play again, you will see the other side of me. ,” he said.
When I heard those words, my joy knew no bounds. I didn’t know when I got up and started screaming “Thank you, Sir” repeatedly.
I’m an educated woman today because my parents love and consider education as a ladder to greatness. It isn’t just about getting a certificate. Going to school gives you the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and learn their culture. The school also prepares you to face the challenges of life.
I grew up in Gboko, a town in Benue State, and the first school I attended was Gboko Nursery and Primary School, and later on, I was transferred to Shekina International School. My secondary school was Federal Government Girls’ College, Gboko. School life wasn’t interesting because while other girls were having fun and engaging in other curricula activities, I was reading books, magazines, journals, and everything. I had a few friends who were attracted to me because I was very brilliant.
I’m very fortunate to be among those who have been blessed with natural beauty. When I was a little girl, due to my beauty, people used to shower praises on me. So, I became interested in watching beauty pageant competitions, and I also imagined myself becoming a beauty queen.

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I got my first degree in Sociology at Nasarawa State University and, currently, I’m undergoing a Master’s in Industrial Sociology at the same university. As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t enjoy my days in secondary school, so when I got into the university, I told myself that I would not repeat the same mistake. I also decided to pursue all of my dreams.
Opportunity does not waste time on those who are unprepared. If I truly wanted to become a famous beauty queen, I knew I needed more than a pretty face to achieve that. So, the first thing I did was to change from a shy girl to an outspoken and bold lady. In 2007, I contested for the title of Miss Nasarawa State and guess what? I won the crown. The competition wasn’t aired on TV and I couldn’t inform my family because I had no telephone back then. So, during the holidays, I went home, and with so much excitement, I told my dad that I had won the beauty contest. His response was a shock to me.
“Is that what I sent you to do in school? Who told you to get involved in such worldly practice?” He asked. In all my life, I have never seen my dad as angry as he was on that day. He warned me sternly never to participate in another contest. According to him, it was improper to dress half naked in the name of showcasing my beauty to the world.
Did I listen to him? Yes! I did, but I didn’t obey. My desire to win more crowns kept pushing me. So, I moved from the state level to the national level. In that same year, I took part in Miss Tourism and I got to the Top 10 position. In 2013, during my NYSC in Taraba State, I contested and won the title of Miss NYSC. I also contested for Miss Nigeria and was among the top 10 contestants.
My dreams were like a flame burning inside me, and I couldn’t quench them for any reason. After that first incident, I never told my dad about the other crowns I won, but I believe he heard about them. And I guess my actions broke his heart. Now, you might assume I’m just a disobedient child. No! I love my dad so much and never intended to hurt him. I only expected him to accept me and respect my ambitions, even if they were contrary to his religious beliefs.

Everyone has a responsibility to bring out the best in those that are close to them. Mr Boti is one teacher that influenced my life positively. He was our home tutor, and he also taught me in primary 6. He used to say to me:
“Aisha, you are a very beautiful girl, and soon, boys will come to distract you with their sugar-coated tongue. Please don’t listen to them. Just focus on your studies. Set your goals and achieve them, and when the right time comes, you will meet your prince charming. ”

It has been over twenty years now and I’m proud to say that I have achieved most of my childhood dreams and goals. However, I’m still waiting to meet my charming prince. I have only seen him in my dreams, riding on a beautiful horse and holding a golden sword. His face shines bright like a diamond, and each time he smiles, I hear butterflies rumbling in my stomach. I have a feeling that he’s left my dream world and arrived in Lagos State. However, if not for the heavy traffic jams in this state, he probably would have found me by now. Hahaha.
Since childhood, I have always enjoyed watching movies and I never knew that I would become a celebrity in the future. The dream of becoming an actress came later, and in 2011, I took my first step towards achieving it. While the university was on strike, I attended my first acting audition. I was lucky to be selected to play a role in a soap opera series titled “Learning Curves”. That was my first acting experience, and I learned many things during the shoot. I wanted to audition for more roles, but I had to return to school after the strike was called off.
I love to do things properly. Even the Bible says that whatever your hands find to do, do it perfectly. When the right time came to join the film industry, I decided not to be a half-baked actress. So, I went to the City Academy, London, to learn how to act.
My journey to stardom wasn’t smooth, but I’m glad that I made it. In the beginning, despite being so talented, many producers and directors rejected me. I didn’t give up but kept auditioning until I was selected. I started getting minor roles before the major ones came. Most people who wish to become actors are not aware of the stress that comes with the position. If you don’t have external support, you might be tempted to give up.
My family members supported my decision to become an actress, and they are so proud of me. All my friends watch my movies, and they have been very supportive too. I joined the industry for three reasons; passion, fame, and money. Yes! I enjoy living a life of glamour. It is true that some actors are rich, but you must be very good at what you do before you can earn real money from acting. I knew all that from the beginning and prepared myself. I still remember those days I worked so hard without earning much, but today, the story is different. I’m a successful actress and producer.
Do you know that the first film I produced, titled “My Name Is Kadi”, has been recognized both nationally and internationally? I starred as Kadi in the movie, and I acted so well. My first movie got three nominations, and I won the Best Female Actor category. The reviews from viewers have been wonderful too. So, I’m happy that a lot of people appreciate my work.
I’ve never really thought of what I would have become if I were not an actress. I admire successful women like Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey. So, I guess I would have become a successful businesswoman. One of my wishes is to meet Michelle in person because I get inspired whenever I read about her life and history.
I like reading motivational books. Another thing I enjoy is R& B music. You don’t know how much I wish to find a man that has a melodious voice. So, if you want to win my heart, just sing a love song.

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Finally, I want to ask you a question. Do you have a dream? Have you ever felt you could never achieve them? The truth is that every dream is achievable, but it doesn’t happen through magic. It requires determination and hard work. So, are you ready to give it what it takes? If yes, then start with the baby steps and soon, you’ll get to your destination.
I feel so happy to be interviewed by Iya Magazine. I’m amongst those who got inspired after reading other women’s stories on the website.
Today, I have shared mine, and I hope you’ll learn from it.

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