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I’m fulfilled contributing to people’s academic success or personal growth -Dominican varsity librarian

Step into the quiet, book-lined haven of the Dominican University Ibadan library, and you’ll likely find Hannah Okon Anwana, the Acting University Librarian, absorbed in her work.

Her passion for knowledge and dedication to building this academic sanctuary are evident in every detail, from the meticulously organized shelves to the welcoming smiles she offers to patrons.

Hannah’s journey to librarianship began with a love for reading that blossomed in her youth.

“I knew from a young age that my path lay with books,” she says, a gentle warmth in her eyes.

“Library and Information Science was the natural choice for someone who sees libraries as gateways to knowledge and understanding.”

The library is a vibrant space where learning, discovery, and transformation take root

Armed with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in the field, Hannah embarked on a career dedicated to building bridges between information and the university community. And she is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Library and Information Science.

Hannah’s accomplishments include facilitating accreditation exercises for the university, ensuring a steady flow of resources, and fostering a culture of learning and research.

As with most libraries around the world, funding is Hannah’s biggest challenge. “Funding is a major challenge for libraries, and ours is not an exception” She is, however, quick to commend the university management for their support, even as she hopes for more.

As the Acting University Librarian, her responsibilities are vast and diverse. From representing the library at functions to collaborating with colleagues around the world, she is a dynamic force shaping the library’s future.

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But technology, she emphasizes, is a game-changer. “From online cataloguing to virtual collaboration, technology has transformed the library landscape,” she says. “It’s revolutionized how we acquire resources, deliver services, and even preserve information.”

I see Artificial Intelligence and virtual reality playing a pivotal role in the evolution of libraries

For the users, too, technology has changed everything. “Now, users can access library resources and services without geographical or time restrictions and from the comfort of their homes if they choose to do so.”

With a keen eye on the future, Hannah talks about trends that will shape the future of libraries. She sees Artificial Intelligence and virtual reality playing a pivotal role in the evolution of libraries, and adds that some libraries have indeed embraced the use of robots.

“Imagine robots handling routine tasks, freeing librarians to focus on higher-level engagement with users,” she muses. “The possibilities are endless.”

Yet, amidst all the technological advancements, one thing remains constant for Hannah: the joy of seeing satisfied users leave the library with knowledge in hand. “That’s the reward that fuels my passion,” she confides. “Knowing I’m contributing to someone’s academic success or personal growth is truly fulfilling.”

For aspiring librarians, her advice is simple yet profound: “Know your job, love knowledge, and embrace lifelong learning. Be adaptable, stay current with trends, and never lose sight of the human connection at the heart of librarianship.”

Knowing I’m contributing to someone’s academic success or personal growth is truly fulfilling

As Hannah looks to the future, her vision is clear: “I dream of a powerful library consortium where knowledge knows no bounds,” she says. “A network that grants users access to any resource they need, regardless of location. In this way, libraries can truly become gateways to a world of limitless possibilities.”

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The work of a university librarian is taxing, but Hannah finds time to rest. What does she do outside the world of books?

“I love to read good stories, and so, I am never far away from books” she laughs. “I also watch good movies and socialize with friends and family.”

And so, Hannah continues her work, building bridges of knowledge and connecting minds with the vast universe of information.

For her, the library is not just a repository of books; it is a vibrant space where learning, discovery, and transformation take root.

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